प्रकाशित मिति : २०२०-१२-०१ (अद्यावधिक मित : २०२०-१२-०१)

Patan  is one of the sub-metropolitan cities of Nepal located at the southern side of Bagmati River. It is best known for its rich cultural heritage and intangible. It is also called as city of festival and feast. Patan Museum is located heart of this culture inside the Patan Darbar Square complex.


सम्पर्क विवरण

पाटन संग्रहालय

पाटन,ललितपुर, नेपाल

सम्पर्क नं. :

अडियो सूचना : १६१८०१५५३१९३८

ईमेल: info@patanmuseum.gov.np

वेव : www.patanmuseum.gov.np

वेवसाइट हेरिएको

Visit counter For Websites

हाम्रो नक्सा


Patan Museum 's Office